Tuesday 27 January 2015

Blog my life

From now until the time I was birthed on this blessed planet called Earth, I have encountered many events that have moulded me into the boy you see today.My life is fairly eventful for a small and timid boy. Some events leave a smile on my face every time I reminisce back to those happy times. Some events however leave a tear on my face every time I recall them. There are events however that I remember so vividly because to me, it was a major turning point in my life. These memories have never left my library of knowledge whenever I revisit them and they will stay there for as long as I am breathing.

The first event took place when I was in primary school. I recall that when I was in Primary 3, I was chosen as a representative for the Yellow House to participate in a series of running events at an event called Sports Day. Sports Day was a day where representatives of each respective house(Red,Blue,Green and Yellow) compete against each other to see which house was superior. What has made this event so special to me is the fact that at the time, I had not discovered what my talent was but when went for this event, I had discovered my hidden talent. I was turned down at Basketball, I got kicked out of the Robotics Club and I even was told to leave the soccer team. So, as you can see, I really had nothing to my name at the time. When I was given this honour to represent my house, I could not fathom why they chose me. However, when I did participate in this event, I myself was shocked by outcome. In all the races that I competed in, I was the victor by a mile. After this incident, I realised that I had an affinity for running. Not just running as a matter of fact, but in all track and field sports. You name it, I have participated in it and have won. After the event, I took up Track and Field as my CCA at Primary 3. 2 years later, I was the overall captain of Track and Field in my school.

The second event also took place in my primary school. I remember going for a Track and Field training try-outs at Singapore Sports School. What has made this event so significant is the fact that I was recognized for my efforts and I was invited to participate in these try-outs. I managed to get in.After the event, I realised that I had a certain talent towards running and so from Primary 5 to 6, every Saturday I went to SSS to train. This training took my running skills to the next level. Completion of this training rewarded me with a certificate of participation which would allow me to go to any school through DSA, granted that that school has Track and Field as a CCA in the first place. 

The third incident took place when I was in secondary school. I recall that it was in the chemistry lab. What has made this incident so significant is the fact that I was so ignorant towards my teacher's advice not play around with the different chemicals and the apparatuses. I had burnt myself while heating a test tube full of chemicals which led to the test tube dropping on the floor and breaking, spilling all the chemicals on the floor. I did not tell anyone as I was sitting alone at the back and nobody took notice of me. I quickly relieved the burning pain on my hand and started to wipe up the chemicals. After class, I plucked up enough courage to tell my teacher about it. I was severely reprimanded by her. After the incident, I realised that not every time is play time. We must know when to play and when to be serious.

The fourth event took place in my secondary school. I remembered joining the NCC because of it's values that it imposes on all it's cadets to adhere to dearly. What has made this event so significant is the fact that joining this CCA has transformed me from a lazy, carefree fleabag to a disciplined, fit and proud member of NCC. Joining NCC was one of the best choices I had ever made. I made a lot of new friends. All of us sweat together, train together, eat together, shit together and take care of one another because we are brothers. After the event, I realised that joining NCC made me more or less the person I am today. If I did not join this CCA, I would have continued to be a lazy and carefree fleabag.

All these events are the so-called pinnacles of my life where I have made major decisions in my life and have to live with but they are so worth it. No matter how tough the going gets, the tough gets going meaning that no matter how hard a situation is, we have to be strong enough to overcome it. All of these events have given me more knowledge and insight towards the future. I am mentally and physically prepared to face any obstacle that I will overcome in the future.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Traveling around Singapore

During the holidays, I had just recently began cycling when my dad decided that we should start cycling to everywhere we go and he meant it. He bought a bike for all of us...even my mom. Soon after, we began cycling to Tampines Mall, Singapore Expo, East Coast Park and Bedok Jetty. The list could go on but the furthest we went was Marina Barrage. Despite the frequent requests to my dad that wherever we are going is easier to get there by car, he still insisted that we should all cycle to the places that we wanted to go. It was only after much persuading that he finally stopped. We didn't want to make him sad but also didn't want to come back home with jelly legs and sweaty bodies. Soon after, my dad wanted us to try fishing at Punggol. We all said yes because we didn't want him to feel bad about the bikes. When we got there, there already were people there fishing. Of course, my dad had to buy a few fishing rods for us so that we could try it out. Mind you, this fishing place was one out of two that I know that sells cheap fishing rods for $5. Soon after we had blown through $50. When all hope seemed lost, we caught a fish that was huge compared to the rest of the fishes in the fishing pool. Very soon after, we caught buckets of fishes. Turned out we were quite good at this fishing business. When we went home, we brought back with us buckets of fishes. We had so much fun that day. I would definitely do it again when I have the chance.

My hobbies

People keep asking me why I am, at any given point,playing games or sleeping. To me, these two things are my hobbies including watching Japanese anime. It sounds weird, time-consuming, unproductive and not useful at all. I disagree however to a certain extent where it is not exactly unproductive and it does have it's uses.

Firstly,sleeping is my hobby but I think everybody knows it.I frequently show everyone what my hobby is in class. I LOVE sleep. Sleeping just makes all my worries and problems fade away and where i can just let my creativity flow and see what my creativity has manifested into. Sleep is just the best thing you can do. You get energy just from sleeping and you feel refreshed after a good night's sleep. Strangely enough, I have insomnia at night but have reverse insomnia in the morning. For a person who's hobby is sleeping, this is definitely not good. However, life goes on and so I have to learn to cope with my disorder so that it will not be an obstacle for me in my daily life.

Secondly, gaming is another hobby of mine. The most time-consuming hobby of mine is gaming. Sometimes during the holidays i would go as far as not sleeping for a whole day just to play games. Games to me are an outlet for me to play with friends. It feels so satisfying when you have played a few rounds and be able to showcase your skills and talent in the game to your friends. Let's say you make a game-winning headshot, or a last-minute goal that flips the tables entirely; the feeling of being able to help your team win and be the main cause of it will instantly be etched into your mind that you single-handedly carried your team/friends to victory. These games of course have a negative side to it. Whenever you make a wrong move, miss a game-winning shot or even just failing to help out your friends,it can cause you to lose the whole game and sometimes these mistakes can cause people to be completely hated by their team which gives them the feeling that they are useless.

Thirdly, watching Japanese anime is another hobby of mine which came as a surprise to me. It started off as just listening to people ranting on and on about naruto. Soon after, I decided to watch an anime I had heard of from a friend called Law Of Ueki. Not long after, I was hooked. I couldn't stop watching all of the anime episodes. At first I thought anime was just something that I could just dismiss as garbage but I was wrong. The minute I started, I just couldn't stop. I had to know what happened to so and so during a significant time in the anime's timeline. I just couldn't stop myself. Eventually, when I finished the whole anime, I realised that I had just wasted about 1 day of my life. I didn't care.

 Now of course I try to limit my sleeping, gaming and watching anime to a minimum. Gaming and watching anime I can manage. It is just the sleeping that I just can't seem to limit myself.

Holiday to Malaysia

This end of year holidays, my family went to Malaysia, Johor Bahru for a relaxing getaway to rest, relax and shop. It has been a long time since my family and I have gone for a holiday to Johor Bahru as we usually spent our holidays at our cousin's house. Don't get me wrong, spending our holidays at our cousin's house were very much well worth it but we wanted a different place to spend our holidays at. We stayed at Hotel Grand Paragon for 2 days 1 night and Hotel Amansari for 2 days and 1 night as well. Both hotels were enjoyable in every aspect. We felt as cozy as as a nut in a shell. 

Johor Bahru has many shopping malls such as KSL, Johor Bahru City Square, Komtar JBCC and Plaza Pelangi and fortunately, my hotel was about a minutes drive from these malls. The food there was great,the people there were nice and the daily necessities there were quite cheap. The traffic there, however, was not as good as I thought it would be.

The first 2 days were spent shopping and swimming but on the 3rd  day, we decided to play laser tag. Me, my dad and my siblings played laser tag. In a series of 3 games, I won all of them. The 3 games consisted of 2 free-for-all games and 1 midnight madness gamemode. The free-for-all gamemode is pretty self-explanatory but midnight madness however is literally free-for-all but in pitch black darkness. We had so much fun we wanted to go again but unfortunately we couldn't as we did not have the time for another round. Sadly I couldn't take any pictures as pictures were not allowed in the area.

My vacation to Malaysia turned out eventful and fruitful as we were able to bond closer as a family and get cheap things in Malaysia. I wish that I could go here again in 2015.